*1983, Frauenfeld, CH

I am interested in inconspicuous, everyday, even elementary things that have existed for ages and to which little attention is paid.

Swiss artist Christoph Eisenring intrigues with subtleties; nothing in his works is as it seems. By using minimal interventions, he suggests a reality to the viewer, which only turns out to be a deception of the senses on closer inspection. Eisenring’s works captivate with their radical reduction in form and color. For his work, he uses various media, such as photography, paper cut, drawings, prints and plaster casts, always working in a minimalist manner.
“What is a work of art?”,”How can it be defined?”and „what does the artist think of it?“.
With these questions, Eisenring engages the viewer anew with each individual work and to question his own vision.
Eisenring showed his work the first time in 2015 at Galerie Wenger.





Das Kind bleibt drin

Insel für Walter