
Just as wood moves over time, the work of art is also in motion.

Candido Storni’s artistic approach moves between calculation and process. Some of his works are planned and calculated as well as a choice of local woods is made and cut to size to realize the final piece. Others evolve during the production process in his workshop in Meilen, Switzerland. For the artist every type of wood has its particular features and traces, which Storni integrates into his objects: tree rings can take on geometry and become ornamental patterns that produce flittering optical effects; other natural features, according to the artist, can demonstrate that the material is alive, such as grain, branches, and splitting, openly contradict strict geometric form. Traces of woodworking such as lines left by the resistance of the saw blade are integrated into the works as autonomous structures. Storni works with antique machines in which manual control still plays an important role. In his most recent sculptures, color has been added.
In 2013 works of Candido Storni have been shown for the first time.

Parallele LXVI

Parallele LXXIII

Parellele LXXX

Zylinder XXlX

Zylinder XXX

Zylinder XIX

Zylinder XII

Parallele XLIX

Quader XCI


Quader LXXVI